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Archived Comments for: Secondary amenorrhoea due to pheochromocytoma: a case report

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  1. Bedside Diagnosing Pheochromocytoma, since its initial stage of Inherited Real Risk

    Sergio Stagnaro, Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics Research Laboratory

    18 July 2008


    I find this paper very interesting. Notoriously, Pheochromocytoma is a chromaffin cell catecholamine-secreting tumour originating from the adrenal medulla. In addition it is a rear cause of amenorrea. However, I am really surprised by the fact that its diagnosis has been made too late. In fact, since birth, doctors could bedside recognize Pheochromocytoma Inherited Real Risk in a few seconds only knowing Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics ( (1-15).

    A 52 year-long well established, clinical, experience allows me to state that either ignoring or overlooking the real existence of Oncological Terrain ( as well as cancer inherited "real risk", in a quantitative way, we cannot prevent and diagnose cancer promptly since its initial stage (1-4). Consequently, authors around the world are thinking "wrongly" that "all" individuals may be involved by malignancy, and as a consequence all individuals have urdergo to tumour markers assessement, therefore spending uselessly NHS money, and physician's energy and time, because also physicians aree thinking that everybody can be involved by malignacy. As a matter of fact, e.g., a woman can be involved by Oncological Terrain, even with or without precise location of "inherited cancer real risk" in a well defined breast quadrant ("ab posse ad esse non licet illatio", Kant, Kritik der reinigen Vernunft) (5). I think that because congenital functional mitochondrial cytopathology is overlooked--a "conditio sine qua non" of the most frequent and dangerous human disorders, including malignancies-- current clinical researches are fundamentally biased. In other words, it does not consider the existence or assess the seriousness as well as the location of Congenital Acidosic Enzyme-Metabolic Histangiopathy (in my site), conditio sine qua non of both Oncological Terrain and, consequently camcer "real risk" (2-4). In fact, both environmental risk factors and every drug, including oestrogens, suggested as a risk factor for breast cancer, "could" influence some human biological functions and/or bring about different disorders, such as cancers, exclusively in relation to both the presence and intensity of CAEMH in a well-defined biological system. For instance, despite either the well-known negative influence of oral contraceptive use or the beneficial, positive effects of selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors on breast oncogenesis (1) we have to consider the importance of the "genetic predispositions", i.e., Oncological Terrain, as far as the onset of a lot of disorders is concerned, including breast cancer. In conclusion, we need at first (i.e., starting whatever screening or research) to investigate the presence and intensity of CAEMH in the "tested" population, i.e. in "every", "single" patient, and soon thereafter assessing presence, intensity of the CAEMH-dependent, "Oncological Terrain", and the precise location of cancer congenital "real risk", both always develop on the basis of the above -mentioned congenital mitochondrial cytopathology. In fact, without this alteration of psycho- neuro-endocrine-immunological system, oncogenesis is not possible, as allows me to state a 51-year-long clinical experience with Biophysical Semeiotics, Single Patient Based Medicine theory is based on (6). Finally, these pathological conditions are characterized by microcirculatory remodelling, wherein a central role is played by newborn-pathological, type I, "typical" a), i.e., oncological subtype Endoarteriolar Blocking Devices (1-5, 14, 15).

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    4) Stagnaro S. Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., La Melatonina nella Terapia del Terreno Oncologico e del "Reale Rischio" Oncologico. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

    5) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Cancro della mammella: prevenzione primaria e diagnosi precoce con la percussione ascoltata. Gazz. Med. It. - Arch. Sc. Med. 152, 447, 1993

    6) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Single Patient Based Medicine.La Medicina Basata sul Singolo Paziente: Nuove Indicazioni della Melatonina. Travel Factory, Roma, 2005.

    7) Stagnaro Sergio. Clinical tool reliable in bedside early recognizing pancreas tumour, both benign and malignant. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2005, 3:62 doi:10.1186/1477-7819-3-62, 2005

    8) Stagnaro Sergio. Bed-Side Evaluating Breast Cancer Real Risk. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2005, 3:67 doi:10.1186/1477-7819-3-67. 2005 2005

    9) Stagnaro Sergio. Mitochondrial Bed-Side Evaluation: a new Way in the War against Cancer (21 December 2005). Cancer Cell International 2005

    10) Stagnaro Sergio. Cancer Risk Factors and Oncological Terrain. 2006. 2006

    11) Stagnaro Sergio. Without Oncological Terrain oncogenesis is not possible. CMAJ. 23 March 2007 12) Stagnaro Sergio. GPs , Biophysical Semeiotics, and bedside cancer diagnosis. 08 July 2007, International Seminar of Surgical Oncology, , 2007

    13) Stagnaro Sergio. Bedside Evaluation Tobacco's actions on Biological Systems. The Lancet, October 13, 2007,

    PIIS0140673607614822/comments?action=view&totalComments=2#1286 2007

    14) Stagnaro Sergio. Oncological Terrain and Inherited Oncological Real Risk: New Way in Malignancy Primary Prevention and early Diagnosis. International Seminars in Surgical Oncology, 2007.

    15) Stagnaro Sergio. Bedside Biophysical-Semeiotic Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, since initial Stage. International Seminars in Surgical Oncology 2007,

    Competing interests

    None declared
