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Table 1 Recommended management protocol for the treatment of ingested sharp and blunt foreign bodies (adapted from Bisharat et al. 2007).

From: Dental root canal treatment complicated by foreign body ingestion: a case report

Type of Object

Site of Object

Management Protocol

Sharp Metallic Objects


Urgent endoscopic retrieval


Stomach and Duodenum

Urgent endoscopic retrieval


> DJ Flexure

Daily x-rays/strict observation


If fails to progress > 72 hrs → laparotomy


If signs of Obstruction/Bleeding/Perforation → laparotomy

Blunt Metallic Objects


Endoscopic retrieval


Stomach and Duodenum

If < 2 cm → weekly X-rays/conservative management


If > 2 cm → observe with weekly X-rays for 1–2 months.

If failure to progress → endoscopic retrieval


> DJ Flexure

Weekly X-rays/conservative management


If signs of Obstruction/Bleeding/Perforation → urgent endoscopic retrieval +/- laparotomy