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Table 2 Detailed Changes in the Cognitive Functions of Patient CK from Baseline to Post-Treatment

From: Dejianmind-body intervention improves the functioning of a patient with chronic epilepsy: a case report




Expressive language

Less than 3 meaningful word per day

More than 10 meaningful words per day


No spontaneous speech most of the time

Some spontaneous speech


Very little imitated speech

Frequently imitated the mother's speech


Difficulty in executing single instruction

Executed 3- to 4-step complex instructions


No response to request or execution after repeated instructions

Occasionally executed instructions without repetition


Reacted after at least 10 sec

Sometimes reacted within 3 sec


Could not distinguish left from right

Distinguished left from right


Instantly forgot other people's words

Remembered at least 3- to 4-step complex instructions


Could not recognize familiar routes and direction

Can recognize familiar routes and direction

Attention and awareness

Usually paid no attention to things and persons in the environment

Increased awareness of the environment


Maintained attention to copy 3 to 4 words

Maintained attention to copy a maximum of 20 words

Emotional expression and control

Had temper tantrums once or twice a week on average

Less than one temper tantrum a week on average


Flat affect

Increased smiling


Did not share joy with others

Shared joy with the mother

Eye contact

Dull, unfocused, little eye contact

Alert, focused, had eye contact during communication

Interpersonal relationship

Rarely cared about other people

Actively cared about the health/safety of other people


Resented body contact from the father, distant relationship with the father

Allowed touching by the father, improved relationship with the father


Did not seek help when in need

Sought help when in need