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Figure 1 | Cases Journal

Figure 1

From: Acute right to left shunt through patent foramen ovale presenting as hypoxemia after myocardial infarction: a case report

Figure 1

Electrocardiogram showing ST elevations in leads II, II and aVF, diagnostic for acute IMI. Reciprocal changes, ST depression in leads I and aVL, are also observed. In a patient with acute IMI, a right sided electrocardiogram with ≥1mm ST elevation in V4R has a sensitivity of approximately 70% and specificity of approximately 100%. Any patient with an IMI should undergo right sided electrocardiography to evaluate for RVMI as this complication may occur in up to 51% of IMI cases. [4, 7] Also of note in this electrocardiogram are conduction disturbances including a (new) left bundle branch block and sinus arrest.

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